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Has the Ukrainian counter-offensive begun? On Saturday, June 10, President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered the phrase. What about on the ground? The point with Stéphanie Perez.
Has Ukraine launched its counter-offensive against Russia? “Ukraine changes communication strategy after remaining silent. (…) Volodymyr Zelensky confirms counter-offensive actions“, specifies the journalist Stéphanie Perez, special correspondent in Zaporijjia. Since the morning of Sunday June 11, “we see videos of Ukrainian troops maneuvering on the ground, coming from several unofficial but serious military accounts.”
Progress despite the weather
So, “I’Ukraine claims the liberation of several villages in the Donbass but also in the South. We are not able to confirm but yesterday the Ukrainian soldiers told us that they were surprised at the start by the Russian resistance. They say they are making progress, despite very bad weather“, continues Stephanie Perez. A climate that is not the most ideal “for the progress of tanks and tanks.“