War in Ukraine: in the east of the country, the strategic town of Izioum retaken from the Russians


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In eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian forces claim to have recaptured the strategic town ofIzioum. The journalist Anais Hanquetlive from Ukraine, takes stock of the situation on Monday 12 September.

Ukrainian forces claim to have recaptured the strategic town ofIzioum (Ukraine)in the east of the country. “Of course, there is communication. But this counter-offensive is real. Yesterday we were less than 30 km from the town of Izioum. We were not able to access it, but we were able to speak with Ukrainian soldiers who had a smile and who confirmed to us that, from now on, this strategic city was in the hands of Ukraine”explains journalist Anaïs Hanquetlive from Ukraine, Monday, September 12.

“It’s a tactical victory. It will make it possible to cut the supply lines between Russia and eastern Ukraine. Very rapid progress: 3,000 square km have been reconquered in just a few days. The Russians had to leave behind them prisoners, military vehicles, tanks, but also communication tools. This is proof of the speed of this counter-offensive, because normally, we do not leave this type of equipment on site.”concludes the journalist.

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