War in Ukraine: In the cities that fell to the Russians, a new life under occupation


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In the towns now occupied by the Russian army in Ukraine, a new life is taking shape, with local populations divided over its presence. Report to Berdyanska town not far from Mariupol.

In southern Ukraine, life seems to be getting back to normal. In any case, this is what the Russian army wishes to show. To Berdyansk (Ukraine)a city that fell at the start of the Russian offensive, marriages have been celebrated for the first time since February. A ceremony that is done according to Russian law: 6 couples get married at the same time. The Russian anthem resounds in a room where there are more journalists than guests. “It’s a very important day for the city”testifies a newlywed.

To Melitopol (Ukraine)further west, there were protests immediately after the Russians arrived. From now on, the central square is guarded and patriotic songs resound in the city. In Mariupol (Ukraine)devastated by the fighting, the Russian army wants to show aid distribution. This does not, however, ease the tensions in the population.

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