War in Ukraine: in France, the reception of refugees is unprecedented



France 3

Article written by

R. Miri, G. Alcalay, D. Bailly, J. Paul-Stefani, JP. Petitcolas, D. Fuchs – France 3

France Televisions

The war in Ukraine has left nearly 10 million displaced and refugees, according to the UN on Sunday March 20. Nearly 20,000 of them have been received in France by associations, municipalities and individuals. How to explain such a surge of solidarity for these refugees?

In a community hall in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle)Saturday, March 19, a Ukrainian refugee embraces for the first time the one who will welcome her. We put ourselves in their shoes, everything they’ve been through, the people they left behind, we want to do our best for them“, says his host. That day, more than 100 refugees found host families. Everywhere in France, solidarity is organized. The fate of the Ukrainians seems to have a resonance special in public opinion French. We feel close culturally, but also geographically“, believes Michel Wieviorkasociologist.

AT Sagonein Corse-du-Sud, a campsite owner felt the need to act and give. This conflict affects me a lot“, indicates Eric Crascio. Solidarity is expressed throughout the village. Humanitarian associations welcome this momentum, but know the risk: a selective indignation, which would make forget other causes. What we can hope for, unfortunately without really believing in it, is that there would be the same enthusiasm for crises that would take place further away, less publicized“, indicates Thierry Allafort DuvergerManaging Director of Doctors Without Borders. Several associations ask communities to show the same solidarity for all refugees.

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