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The images of civilian bodies lying in the streets of Boutcha caused a wave of fear and anger in the world on Monday April 4. Survivors describe a manhunt by Russian soldiers.
Behind the orthodox church of Butcha in Ukraine, a huge mass grave, an unspeakable reality after weeks of bombardments in the city. Dozens of anonymous bodies pile up. At least 300 civilians are believed to have been killed according to the authorities. The inhabitants were sometimes buried in a hurry. “Four people are buried here, I know two of them. We did what we could”reports a resident.
AT Boucha (Ukraine) the inhabitants receive a first hot meal from the army which has taken over the city. A man wishes to show that civilians were shot without reason. “They were angry with us, they said the Ukrainian army was shooting them in the back”details another man. Some Russian tanks even ran over some vehicles on the streets. According to the population, the Russians were looking for people with a link to the Ukrainian army to execute them. Before fleeing, the Russian army left many mines.