War in Ukraine | If Ukraine falls, Russia will attack Eastern Europe, Zelensky believes

(Kyiv) The Ukrainian president on Thursday called on Westerners to increase their support, hammering that if his country were defeated by Russia, it would attack the rest of Eastern Europe to get “to the Berlin Wall “.

Posted at 11:17 a.m.

“If we disappear, may God protect us, then it will be Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia etc. Up to the Berlin Wall, believe me,” said Volodymyr Zelensky, believing that the Kremlin could aim to rebuild the entire European sphere of influence of the USSR.

He also called on Westerners to impose a no-fly zone over his country.

“And if you don’t have the strength to close the sky, then give me planes!” he exclaimed.

The Ukrainian president also said he was ready to speak to Vladimir Putin.

“I have to talk to Putin […] because that’s the only way to stop this war,” he said, “we have to speak unconditionally, without resentment, like men.”

But Mr. Zelensky also challenged his counterpart who ordered the invasion of his country a week ago: “What do you want from us? Leave our land! »

Before launching: “Sit with me […], but not at thirty meters as with (Emmanuel) Macron or (Olaf) Scholz. I’m a normal guy, I don’t bite! “.

He thus made fun of the very long table at which the Russian president receives his Russian guests as foreigners because of the drastic health protocol to protect him from COVID-19.

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