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The head of Russian diplomacy said Monday, April 25, that the risk of a third world war was real. How far can we support Ukraine without getting into the conflict?
About fifty German anti-aircraft tanks named “cheetahs” will be delivered to Ukraine. A major turning point in Berlin politics. At the initiative of the United States, 40 countries met in Germany, Tuesday April 26. Their message: try everything to make Russia lose and deliver arms as quickly as possible to Ukraine. The United States has already delivered more than three billion euros of military equipment to Ukraine and France, 100 million euros. Despite these massive deliveries, Western countries still say they are not at war with Russia.
The Russian foreign minister has warned that the Western strategy could lead to a third world war. “The danger is serious, it is real. It cannot be underestimated”said Sergei LavrovMonday, April 25. Despite the massive Russian bombardments in eastern Ukraine, the western camp believes that Ukraine can withstand Moscow’s offensive, hence these deliveries. The United States openly displays its goal of weakening Vladimir Putin to dissuade him from starting again elsewhere.