War in Ukraine | G7 to impose new ‘tough sanctions’ on Russia

(Berlin) The G7 countries announced on Friday their intention to impose “severe new sanctions” against Moscow and called for the “rapid” establishment of humanitarian corridors in Ukraine.

Posted at 12:39 p.m.
Updated at 12:59 p.m.

“We will continue to impose tough new sanctions in response to Russian aggression,” the foreign ministers of the G7 countries said in a joint statement.

They also condemned disinformation “by the Russian government and media affiliated with it” whose “constant stream of fabricated claims puts additional lives at risk.” “We are determined to counter Russia’s disinformation campaign,” the seven countries warn.

The G7, chaired this year by Germany, also “welcomes” the announcement of an agreement between Moscow and Kyiv on the establishment of “humanitarian corridors”, “an important first step”. “This must be implemented reliably and quickly,” they urge.

“We condemn attacks against Ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals. We call on Russia to fully respect its obligations under international humanitarian law and human rights standards,” the joint statement added.

“Anywhere within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders, Ukrainian and UN humanitarian aid organizations, medical personnel and non-governmental workers must have immediate, safe and rapid access to those in need” , ask the G7 countries.

After the bombardment of the Zaporozhye power plant, the largest in Europe, the G7 countries called on Russia to put an end to its attacks “in the immediate vicinity of Ukrainian nuclear power plants”.

“Any armed attack and any threat against nuclear installations used for peaceful purposes constitutes a violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, of international law […] “, according to the countries of the G7, which includes, in addition to Germany, the United States, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada and Japan.

They say they support the initiative of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, “in favor of an agreement between Ukraine and Russia which guarantees the safety of nuclear installations in Ukraine” .

Finally, the G7 countries announce that they “will hold accountable those responsible for war crimes, including the indiscriminate use of weapons against civilians”.

“We support the investigations and the collection of evidence in progress, in particular by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court”, they continue.

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