War in Ukraine: fighting at the gates of kyiv


Video length: 1 min.

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Since the start of the war in Ukraine, half of kyiv’s population has left the capital. IMonday, March 28, the bombings were concentrated in the northwest of the city. On the spot, we find the journalist Arnaud Comte.

The bombardments resumed on Monday March 28 in the northwest of kyiv (Ukraine). “We heard continuous shelling all day. Indeed, the fighting was very intense about twenty kilometers from the city center”reports journalist Arnaud Comte, special correspondent in kyiv. The city authorities ofIrpin announced “to have regained partial control of this locality”.

However, since the beginning of this war, there are many communications which are carried out and “the truth of one day on the front line is not necessarily that of the next day”says Arnaud Comte. The Russian Minister of Defense had also declared that he wanted to concentrate on the eastern zone of the country. “All day, missiles fell around kyiv and obviously the Russian army did not give up on encircling the Ukrainian capital”he concludes.

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