​War in Ukraine: Expelling Russian Ambassador to Canada Would Not Be Smooth

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explained Thursday how tricky it can be for his government to decide to expel the Russian ambassador to Canada.

Responding to a journalist’s question on this subject, he raised the possibility that Moscow would return the favor, which he said could prove to be disadvantageous for Canadian interests.

“We have to balance that [par rapport à] the positive impact that there can be, that Canadian diplomats in Moscow can have [pour] understand what is happening with the Russian population, [pour] support people on the ground and help Canadians who may find themselves caught in Russia at this time, ”he said in a press briefing.

Mr. Trudeau agreed, in the same breath, that the Russian ambassador would repeat the “propaganda” and “disinformation” of President Vladimir Putin.

He added that his government wishes to be in tune with the “best interests of Canada […]Canadians Abroad [ainsi que] of our friends the Ukrainians”.

The Conservatives have been calling for the ambassador’s expulsion for days, believing that scolding him, as Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly did, was insufficient.

During Thursday’s question period, the Deputy Leader of the Conservatives, Luc Berthold, once again hit the nail on the head.

” [Le] Prime Minister said in October “Disinformation is a threat to democracy”. Why does he still tolerate Russia’s chief propagandist in Canada? “, he launched.

“I receive daily messages full of falsehoods about Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. Other Canadians are subject to these messages, many of which repeat word for word the statement of the Russian ambassador, “added the elected official, referring to remarks broadcast via the Twitter account of the Russian Embassy in Canada. .

It was the Minister of Defence, Anita Anand, who rose to respond to the intervention of MP Berthold. “We must defend Canadians against misinformation and propaganda. We won’t be intimidated,” she said. The Prime Minister did not take part in question period.

The Government of Canada has demanded the suspension of Russia from Interpol, imposed 35% tariffs on exports from Russia and Belarus. Ottawa also announced Thursday the dispatch of thousands of rocket launchers and hand grenades to the Ukrainian army.

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