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In Ukraine, there is still no progress on the diplomatic background, Friday, April 1. The humanitarian corridor to evacuate the civilians trapped in Mariupol is still not implemented. Some inhabitants therefore decide on their own to flee in the direction of Zaporizhia.
In one of these reception centers in Zaporizhia, “many Ukrainian families arrived here last night from Mariupol”reports the special envoy Maryse Burgotduplex since ZaporizhiaFriday, April 1. “They braved all the dangers to get here”she continues. These families individually decided to leave the town of Mariupol, because they did not want to wait for the safe convoy expected by the International Red Cross.
“According to our information, there are two long bus convoys still blocked several dozen kilometers from the city of Mariupol”says the journalist. Indeed, the Russian and Ukrainian authorities and the Red Cross are unable to agree on a safe route and a departure time for the humanitarian convoy. “As a result, many families like these choose to leave at their own risk”she concludes.