War in Ukraine | Depardieu denounces Putin’s “crazy unacceptable excesses”

(Paris) The actor Gérard Depardieu denounced Thursday “the crazy unacceptable excesses” of Vladimir Poutine, announcing that all the receipts of his three concerts planned for the beginning of April at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées “will go to the Ukrainian victims”.

Posted at 2:17 p.m.
Updated at 2:35 p.m.

“The Russian people are not responsible for the unacceptable mad excesses of their leaders like Vladimir Putin,” said the star, who had praised the Russian leader in the past, in a statement to AFP.

It must occur from 1er on April 3 at the TCE, in Paris, where he will sing songs by Barbara, of whom he was a close friend.

“All of the proceeds from the three concerts I give at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées […] will go to the Ukrainian victims of this tragic fratricidal war, ”added the actor, in a press release sent to AFP on Thursday.

“I’ve always had a singular penchant for the Russian people so well described by Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol, Pasternak and so many other artists… Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich,” he also underlined.

1er March, Gérard Depardieu had already called for “stop arms and negotiate”, on the sixth day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“Russia and Ukraine have always been brother countries. I am against this fratricidal war. I say: “Stop the guns and negotiate!” “, he had indicated.

The sacred monster of French cinema, who has French and Russian nationalities, obtained a Russian passport in January 2013, against a background of disagreement with the tax policy of President François Hollande.

“I find it normal to pay, but not to idiots who think they are doing good,” he said in 2014 to the weekly Point.

Since then, Gérard Depardieu has never ceased to praise his new homeland, Russia, a “great democracy”, and to praise Vladimir Putin, whom he notably compared to Pope John Paul II.

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