War in Ukraine, day 199 | Kyiv retook some “2,000 kilometers of territory” in September

(Kharkiv) Ukraine claimed breakthroughs in the east on Saturday, including the entry of its forces into the key city of Kupyansk, with Moscow announcing for its part to withdraw troops from this area to “reinforce” further south the separatist pro-Russian region of Donetsk.

Posted at 8:08
Updated at 6:07 p.m.

Emmanuel PARISSE with Ania TSOUKANOVA in kyiv
France Media Agency

In the evening, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was delighted that “about 2000 km of our territory” had been “liberated since the beginning of September” – without specifying whether it was about km2 —, in particular the localities of Vassylenkovo ​​and Artemivka, not far from Kharkiv, in the northeast.

On Thursday, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian forces said that they had regained 1,000 km2.

And the Russian army made the “right choice to flee”, added Volodymyr Zelensky, because “there is no place for the occupiers in Ukraine and there will not be”.

“Russia is doing everything to break the resistance of Ukraine, Europe and the world during the 90 days of this winter”, counting on heating problems and a possible weakening of Western support for Kyiv due to the rise energy prices in Europe, he further warned at the annual Yalta European Strategy (YES) international forum in Kyiv. “It’s his last argument.”

In the east, Ukrainian forces earlier announced that they had entered Kupyansk, which is on Russian army supply routes.

A new step in their recent lightning counter-offensive which allowed them to recover whole swaths of territory.

Cities taken over by the Ukrainians

“Kupyansk is Ukraine,” wrote a regional official on social networks, posting a photo of Ukrainian soldiers in this city which had 27,000 inhabitants before the war. The special forces showed images of their officers “in Kupyansk, which was and always will be Ukrainian”.


Members of Ukrainian special forces pose for photos in the recently liberated city of Kupyansk.

This new advance of troops from Kyiv to the south of Kharkiv could significantly affect Russia’s ability to supply its positions in eastern Ukraine and provide them with effective logistical support.

The day before, Mr. Zelensky had announced that his forces had taken over 30 localities in this border region of Russia.

On Saturday, AFP journalists saw charred Russian trucks and armored vehicles there, some of which were still stamped with the letter Z, the symbol of the invasion of Ukraine that began on February 24.

Ukrainian soldiers patrolled Balaklya, where the Ukrainian flag flew, hoisted in the presence of the commander of the Ukrainian ground forces, Oleksandr Syrsky.

“Today we complete the liberation of Balakliïa, the first major town of our offensive, and I am sure it will not be the last. […]. And ahead again, Izioum and many others,” he said on this occasion.

The head of the Russian occupation administration in the Izium region, Vladislav Sokolov, for his part admitted that the situation there was “difficult”.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

“For the past two weeks, the city has been targeted by bombardments by Ukrainian forces, in particular with Himar-type ammunition […]which causes serious destruction and causes many deaths and injuries,” he said.

Himars are multiple rocket launchers supplied to Kyiv by Washington.

Moscow “regroups” forces near Donetsk

The Russian Ministry of Defense then announced that it had “withdrawn” its forces present “in the regions of Balakliïa and Izium”, in order to “reinforce” its device further south, around Donetsk, one of the capitals of the separatists. prorussians.

In Lyman, a city that fell into Russian hands at the end of May, “the situation remains quite difficult, as in other localities in the north of the People’s Republic” of Donetsk, its leader, Denis Pushilin, acknowledged on Saturday.

“Ukrainian forces are advancing in eastern Ukraine, liberating more towns and villages. Their courage added to Western military support is yielding surprising results,” summed up Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko.

“It is crucial to send weapons to Ukraine. Defeating Russia on the battlefield means winning peace in Ukraine,” he added.

“Our soldiers are advancing on the front lines in the south in several areas, from two to tens of kilometers”, further assured the spokesperson for the military command of southern Ukraine, Natalia Goumenyuk, without further details. .

In the northeast, near Kharkiv, Russian forces announced on Friday that they had sent reinforcements against Kyiv’s successful counter-offensive.

In the village of Grakové, just taken over by Ukrainian forces, AFP journalists saw destruction testifying to the violence of the fighting, electricity pylons downed and cables spread on the ground.

“It was scary, there were shelling and explosions everywhere,” 61-year-old Anatoly Vasiliev told AFP.


Russian soldiers prepare to launch a shell from an undisclosed position.

“They can continue to count on us”

The bodies of two civilians, with traces of torture and bullet holes in the back of the head, were discovered there, announced Saturday the office of the attorney general who opened an investigation.

According to this source, after the recapture of Grakové, one of its inhabitants went to the police, claiming that Russian soldiers had forced him to bury these corpses.

On Saturday, the head of German diplomacy Annalena Baerbock arrived in Kyiv for a surprise visit, her second since the start of the war.

“They can continue to count on us. We will continue to support Ukraine for as long as necessary, through the delivery of arms, through humanitarian and financial support,” she said.

Over the past few weeks, Germany has delivered howitzers, rocket launchers and anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine. They are part of the military arsenal provided by the West which, according to experts, has contributed to affecting the capabilities of Russian forces.


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and her Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Chmygal however deplored on Saturday a “passive attitude” of the International Monetary Fund, worrying about the “delays” in the IMF’s examination of his country’s request for assistance.

As for Spain, it accused on Saturday, through its Minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, Russian President Vladimir Putin of using gas supplies as a weapon of “psychological terrorism” to frighten Europeans and their governments.

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