War in Ukraine | Cherniguiv “bombarded all night”, despite Russian promises

(Kyiv) The city of Cherniguiv, in northern Ukraine, was bombed “all night long”, the regional governor announced on Wednesday, despite Moscow’s announcement the day before of a reduction in its military activity in this zoned.

Posted at 7:25 a.m.

“Chernigiv was bombed all night,” Vyacheslav Chaous announced on Telegram, adding that civilian infrastructure had been destroyed and that the city was still without water or electricity.

This city, which had 280,000 inhabitants before the war, is “without communications and we can no longer repair them”, he added on television, also referring to strikes on Nijyne, in the same region.

Russia had promised on Tuesday to “radically” reduce its military operations in the direction of Kyiv and Cherniguiv, after “substantial” Russian-Ukrainian talks in Istanbul.

“The situation is not changing, Cherniguiv is under artillery and aerial bombardment,” Tchaous said.

After Mariupol in the south, Cherniguiv has been the city hardest hit by bombing since the start of the war launched by Moscow on February 24.

The mayor of the city, Vladyslav Atroshenko, said on Tuesday that 350 people had been killed in Cherniguiv for more than a month and more than 400 others injured, most of them civilians.

“At the moment, unfortunately, we cannot see that the Russians are lowering the intensity of hostilities in the direction of Kyiv and Cherniguiv,” Vadym Denysenko, adviser to the Ukrainian Minister of the Interior, confirmed on Wednesday.

In Kyiv, the capital, several missiles were shot down overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday by the anti-aircraft defense, he said, quoted by the Interfax-Ukraine agency.

“Some (Russian) units and equipment are going out in the direction of Belarusian territory. It looks like rotations […]more than a real pause in hostilities,” said the official.

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