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Journalist Anne-Claire Poignard is, Wednesday, March 9, duplex from Lviv, Ukraine. She takes stock of the situation there.
What is the situation in Lviv (Ukraine), Wednesday, March 9? “A new humanitarian truce [a] been decreed from this morning 8 o’clock”, reports journalist Anne-Claire Poignard, present on the spot. This truce “is supposed to allow the safe evacuation of Ukrainian civilians wishing to leave the country”she continues.
In the northeast, in Sumy (Ukraine), it notably allowed 5,000 civilians to leave the territory on Monday. “But according to the Ukrainian authorities, this truce is not always respected, the security of the humanitarian corridors is not always guaranteed by the Russians”, says the journalist. In Mariupol (Ukraine), 300,000 civilians are still stranded in the evening in the city center. They fear being targeted if they take the road of exodus.