War in Ukraine | Canada would ship “less than 10” Leopard tanks

(Ottawa) Now that Germany has agreed to pave the way for the export of Leopard 2s, Canada is preparing to release some of its own. Officially, nothing has been announced, but behind the scenes, we are talking about sending less than ten tanks.

“The decision has not been made yet, but we would probably send less than 10 tanks,” said Wednesday to The Press a Canadian government source who requested anonymity, not being authorized to discuss this issue publicly.

At Globe and Mailfour or five tanks were mentioned, always on the basis of information from a government source.

The latest news is that Canada has not asked Germany for permission to ship Leopard 2s to Ukraine — there are 112 in total, including 82 combat tanks — according to Wednesday morning at The Press a spokesperson for the German Embassy in Canada.

Any country wishing to export German-made vehicles must obtain permission from Berlin.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday he had nothing to announce at this time. “Canada is always looking to do whatever it can to help Ukraine […] We hope to have more to share in the coming days,” he said on the sidelines of his cabinet retreat in Hamilton, Ont.

If it can be counted on the fingers of one hand (or two at most), can we say that the contribution is significant? “The first question to ask is how many tanks are functional. And we don’t know, so it’s hard to assess, ”notes political scientist Justin Massie, from the University of Quebec in Montreal.

“It’s still a small number, but Canada has very few tanks. European countries have a much larger pool of armor, and they are closer. I think a handful is enough, because we have to deploy them overseas, ”continues the co-director of the Strategic Analysis Network (RAS).

Tanks from Berlin and Washington, waiting for the others

Under pressure for several days, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Wednesday gave his agreement to the supply of Leopard 2 to Ukraine.

The German government had previously decided in the Council of Ministers both to send 14 Leopard 2 type 2A6 from the stocks of its army, the Bundeswehr, and to authorize its Western allies with these German-made armored vehicles to do the same. .

At the same time, the United States announced the delivery of 31 Abrams, also heavy tanks. “This is not an offensive threat against Russia,” US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday.

Norway has also promised Ukraine Leopard 2s. According to several media, the coalition of countries ready to provide such armored vehicles also includes Denmark and the Netherlands, in addition to Poland and Finland. Spain has confirmed that it is “willing” to deliver tanks as well.

The United Kingdom has committed to delivering 14 Challenger 2 heavy tanks.

“These tanks will burn”, thunders Moscow

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky applauded the Westerners’ decision, but he also seemed to want to up the ante, this time demanding long-range missiles and fighter jets.

In the Kremlin, spokesman Dmitry Peskov argued that the West “overestimated[ait] the potential” that tanks could give to the Ukrainian army. “These tanks will burn like all the others […] Except that these are very expensive, and it is the European taxpayers who will pay the price,” he then quipped.

The Putin regime puffs out, yes, but the argument that the conflict will escalate even further in light of this development is debunked by Justin Massie: “What are we afraid of? That Russia invades Ukraine and uses tanks and missiles to hit villages? She already does.”

The two possible forms of escalation – attacking another country or resorting to nuclear weapons – are they “suicidal” for Russia, he adds. On the other hand, where one could cross a red line, it would be by supplying Ukraine with fighter jets, which the Netherlands left hanging, says Mr. Massie.

The announcement on the putative shipment of Leopard 2 from Canada could take place by the end of the week.

With Agence France-Presse

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