War in Ukraine and Russian gas … The 8:30 franceinfo by Yannick Jadot

The green candidate was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Monday February 28, 2022.

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Yannick Jadot, presidential candidate for the Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) party was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Monday February 28. He largely returned to the war in Ukraine.

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“We must help the Ukrainians

The European Union will release 450 million euros to buy weapons for the Ukrainian armed forces. For the environmental candidate in the presidential election, “we must help Ukrainians who are fighting for their freedom, independence and democracy“. Yannick Jadot is convinced that we must “continue to fight, permanently, for peace and the peaceful settlement of tensions” but only from the moment when “Vladimir Putin has invaded”It is “normal” and “totally legit” to help the Ukrainians defend themselves.

Russian gas: Jadot calls on Europe to invest massively in renewable energies

According to Yannick Jadot, you have to “to prepare” that has “Russia closes its gas exports to Europe”. He calls for a “massive investment plan” European Union on energy savings, insisting on the need to “get out of dependence on fossil fuels”.

“There will be costs for our economy, potential costs for the French and French women”, believes the EELV presidential candidate. “We have seen our vulnerability to health, today we see our vulnerability to energy”, continues Yannick Jadot, considering that “if there is a time when we have to rethink our model, it’s now”.

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