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Thursday June 16, Emmanuel Macron traveled to Ukraine for the first time since the start of the war. Accompanied by several European leaders, he was able to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky before making several announcements.
It is a historic visit for President Emmanuel Macron, who visited Ukraine on Thursday, June 16, for the very first time since the start of the war. The French, German, Romanian and Italian leaders first went to Irpin (Ukraine), where the war has done a lot of damage. In front of the city devastated by the conflict, Emmanuel Macron affirmed: “It is both a heroic city (…) and besides that, you have the traces, the stigmata of barbarism.”
Leaders Olaf Scholz, Mario Draghi and Emmanuel Macron then traveled to kyiv (Ukraine) to have lunch with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The French notably promised to deliver six additional Caesar guns to the Ukrainian army. Ukraine’s integration into the European Union was also discussed and European leaders unanimously declared themselves in favor of Ukraine’s status as an immediate candidate for the European Union. These announcements were made during a press conference organized after the meeting of Heads of State.