War in Ukraine, a face-to-face between good and evil

In the February 25 edition, the Échec à la guerre collective published a letter in which it claims that the war in Ukraine is not a “merciless struggle between good and evil”. To me, and I daresay the majority of Canadians would agree with me, this is precisely a conflict between evil, represented by Russia, and good, represented by Ukraine.

Russia is guilty of waging an illegal, inhuman and barbaric war in Ukraine. It killed thousands of civilians. It destroyed hospitals, schools, churches, museums, factories, infrastructures. It has committed countless crimes against humanity and war crimes. Ukraine had done nothing to provoke this war. If Russian actions in Ukraine do not represent absolute evil, another definition of the word “evil” would have to be found.

Everyone knows that this conflict is the creation of a monster named Putin. Putin is a cruel, savage dictator with no compassion for his victims. It has killed thousands of civilians in Syria, Georgia, Chechnya and Ukraine. He is an inveterate liar who, during the Budapest manifesto in 1994, promised to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for the return to Russia of the nuclear warheads that Ukraine possessed. In his speech on February 21 this year, Putin said: “Russia has done everything possible to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine. ” Lies.

Putin orders extrajudicial executions of his opponents, either by bullet, or by poison, or by defenestration. Among his poisoning victims, Alexander Litvinenko, Sergei Skripal (who survived) and Alexei Navalny (who survived). Journalists Ivan Safranov, Olga Kotovskaïa and Max Borodin were defenestrated. Boris Nemtsov and Anna Politkovskaya were shot dead.

Putin interferes in the internal affairs of other countries. He secretly supported Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Brexit campaign in the UK.

The authors of the manifesto are on the wrong track by evoking the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Americans. They are atrocious and innumerable. But the Ukrainians cannot be blamed for Washington’s misdeeds. Leftists have every right to hate the United States for all sorts of reasons. Yet their claims have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine.

This war will end the moment Russia accepts defeat.

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