War in Ukraine | 43 more Canadians barred from entering Russia

(Moscow) Russia on Monday banned entry into its territory to 43 additional Canadian personalities, in response to sanctions announced by Ottawa against Russians to punish Moscow for its offensive in Ukraine.

Posted at 7:48 a.m.

This new list, published by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, includes in particular Suzanne Cowan, president of the Liberal Party of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as well as Mark Carney, former governor of the Bank of Canada and that of England.

Senior civil servants, political advisers and members of civil society have also been sanctioned.

Russian diplomacy denounced the “belligerent Russophobia” of the Trudeau government and specified that it was a measure of retaliation against the introduction in May by Ottawa of “new sanctions against Russian business leaders and their family members”.

Including the last list, more than 700 Canadians have been barred from entering Russia since its offensive in Ukraine began.

On May 19, Moscow announced that it was closing the office in the Russian capital of CBC/Radio-Canada and canceling the accreditations and visas of its journalists, in response to the ban on the broadcasting of channels from the Russian group RT in Canada, decided in mid-March.

Ottawa, for its part, imposed sanctions on more than 1,000 individuals and entities from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

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