War in Israel and Hamas | Demonstrations in support of the Palestinians all over the world

(London) Thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday across the world, particularly in Europe and the United States, in support of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip hit by Israeli bombings in retaliation for the bloody Hamas attack in Israel on October 7. Here are the main events

30,000 demonstrators in London

Thousands of people – 30,000 according to police – demonstrated in Trafalgar Square for the fourth consecutive Saturday, demanding an “immediate ceasefire” and an “end to the massacre” in Gaza.

For Sama Dababneh, a 26-year-old Jordanian business advisor, “it’s a bittersweet moment because we’re protesting against something terrible… but humanity is there, in the streets.”

Earlier, hundreds of people took part in rallies in the morning in several areas of London.

“Liberate Palestine” in Paris


Demonstration in Paris

Thousands of people demonstrated in France, including 19,000 in Paris according to the police, where the procession was colorful with numerous Palestinian flags and signs proclaiming “Free Palestine”.

Leila Gharbi, a 46-year-old legal assistant holding a Palestinian flag, demanded “an immediate ceasefire” and her daughter Inès, a 21-year-old student, called for “the barbarity to stop”. Keltoum Alouache, a 75-year-old Algerian retiree, came “for the children of Gaza and Palestine”.

Alongside slogans of support for Gaza, others directly target Israel: “Boycott Israel” or “Israel is a terrorist state!” » could we read on certain signs.

This demonstration, called by associations, unions and political parties, had not been banned by the police headquarters, which had however recalled that it would not tolerate “any excess”.

Around forty other gatherings had been announced throughout France. They notably brought together 5,000 people in Lyon (center-east) and 1,500 in Strasbourg (east) according to the police, shouting “Israel terrorist, Macron complicit!” “.

“Save Gaza!” ” in Berlin


Around 9,000 demonstrators were present in Berlin.

Around 9,000 people according to the police gathered on the famous Alexander Platz, in the center of Berlin, often families with their children.

In Düsseldorf, there were 17,000, significantly more numerous than expected, announced the police of this city in western Germany.

On the signs in Berlin, one could read “Save Gaza”, “Stop genocide” or “Ceasefire”, AFP journalists noted.

The participants, many of whom wore keffiyehs, the headscarves of Palestinian activists, shouted “Free Palestine!” » (“Liberate Palestine”).

Many Palestinian flags flew above the crowd in the demonstration which took place at the call of several associations supporting the Palestinians.

In the capital, the police reported around sixty arrests and as many complaints for offenses against public order, including suspicions of incitement to hatred.

Certain signs relativizing the Holocaust were also seized in Düsseldorf.

“Genocidal Joe” in Washington


The demonstrators were present not far from the White House in Washington.

Several thousand people gathered in the American federal capital on Saturday, calling for an immediate “ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip, and criticizing the American policy of support for Israel.

Waving Palestinian flags and many wearing the traditional keffiyeh, the demonstrators were mostly young people and families.

“We say no to you, genocidal Joe,” some proclaimed, referring to Democratic President Joe Biden.

“Biden, you can’t hide, you approved genocide,” the signs read.

“It is unacceptable to allow the death of so many innocent lives, and we cannot consider this as a proportional conflict,” Amanda Eisenhour, 24, who came to demonstrate from Virginia, told AFP.

Iran: “Down with Israel!” »


Iranian women waved Palestinian flags in front of the former US embassy in Tehran on Saturday.

Furthermore, hundreds of rallies, according to state media, were organized to denounce the United States and Israel and support the Palestinians on the occasion of the annual commemoration of the hostage taking at the American embassy in Tehran in 1979.

“Down with America, down with Israel!” “, chanted the demonstrators, including many schoolchildren and students, in front of the former embassy in central Tehran, where flags of the two countries were trampled and burned, AFP journalists noted. Effigies mocking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and American President Joe Biden were also brandished.

According to official media, demonstrations organized by the authorities took place in 1,200 cities across the country, notably in Mashhad (north-east), Isfahan (center) and Shiraz (south).

Senegal, Pakistan


Several demonstrators were present in Lahore, Pakistan.

In Senegal, in front of the great mosque of Dakar, a demonstration in support of the Palestinians mobilized around 200 people. “I am not here as an Arab or a Muslim. I am here as a human being,” said demonstrator Farida Samane in the crowd.

A demonstration also took place in Lahore (Pakistan), whose participants brandished signs “Save Gaza!” » and Palestinian flags.

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