war crimes charges pile up against russian military

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07:56 : Videos verified by The world implicate a battalion of Ukrainian volunteers in cases of torture of Russian prisoners. As a reminder, these acts of torture are strictly prohibited by the Geneva Convention, “who sets the rules to be respected towards enemy soldiers taken prisoner: protect them like his own soldiers, do not violate them, treat them if necessary”recalls the daily.

07:44 : Franklin, 23, does not understand why France refuses to allow African refugees from Ukraine to continue their studies. “Ukrainians have everything: housing, health, studies”deplores this young Cameroonian, who says he is afraid of being expelled soon.

07:45 : Saida dreamed of completing her architecture course in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine. But the war pushed this young Moroccan on the road to exile, where she had her belongings stolen and lost precious papers. Arrival in France, she sleeps “right, left” and hopes to obtain a residence permit.

07:30 : They fled Ukraine for France, and now fear being deported. Between the hassle of housing and ultra-short residence permits, three African students confided their distress to Elise Lambert and Pierre-Louis Caron.


07:37 : Let’s start without further delay with a point on the news:

“For me, the adventure is over. It’s a political necessity”, declared Jean Castex to the entire government meeting in Matignon. To his ministers, he said nothing of the precise day of his resignation. But according to information from franceinfo, he will remain at Matignon at least until his departure for the Vatican on Sunday.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon confirmed in Marseille that he would not stand for legislative elections in his constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône. He leaves his place to his campaign director Manuel Bompard.

More than six million Ukrainians have fled their country since the beginning of the invasion by the Russian army, according to the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Here’s what to remember from yesterday.

North Korea announces its first death from Covid-19, saying the virus has already spread across the country and tens of thousands of people are currently “isolated and neat”. “More than 350,000 people presented with fever in a short time”according to the official press.

An international collaboration of astronomers has proven in images the presence of a supermassive black hole in the heart of our galaxy, Sagittarius A*. Our article explains why this publication is historic for space research.

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