War between Israel and Hamas: the anguish of the families of the hostages


Video duration:
1 minute


Article written by

franceinfo – E. Samuel, M. Khiat, L. Krikorian

France Televisions

According to Israeli authorities, around 150 people are being held hostage by Hamas. Since October 7, their loved ones have lived in anguish.

On her phone, a Franco-Israeli mother tirelessly looks at photos of her daughter. Moriahof Israeli nationality, was at the rave party on Saturday October 7. Since then, there has been no further news from this 24-year-old girl. An unbearable wait. “We don’t know anything at all. […] We’re looking for her to see if she’s a hostage.”explains Sandra KrasetzkiMoria’s mother. In dozens of families, the same scenes of anguish and helplessness.

150 hostages in the hands of Hamas

Nadav Kipnis has no further news from his parents of Israeli and Italian nationality. His father has an autoimmune disease and uses a wheelchair. With his wife, he took refuge in the bunker of their kibbutz before disappearing. “Of Many people from this kibbutz told us that their homes were burned and emptied. This leads us to believe that they were kidnapped.”testifies their son. According to Israeli authorities, there are around 150 hostages currently in the hands of the Hamas.

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