(Ottawa) It is not surprising that Benjamin Netanyahu, leader with “extremist values” turned against Justin Trudeau after he launched a call for restraint, believes Jagmeet Singh.
“He is someone who has extremist comments, [qui a] extremist values, and he is someone who deserves criticism, so I am not surprised that he responded to the criticisms of Prime Minister Trudeau,” said the NDP leader at a press briefing in Toronto on Wednesday .
“But my concern is that Canada must take the position of supporting a ceasefire,” he added.
The Prime Minister toughened his tone towards the Jewish State on Tuesday, urging it to show “utmost restraint” in the offensive that was launched in the Gaza Strip in response to the attacks perpetrated by Hamas on October 7.
“The deaths of women, children and babies must stop,” he insisted.
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s response was quick.
“It is not Israel that deliberately targets civilians, but Hamas that has beheaded, burned and massacred civilians in the worst horrors perpetrated against Jews since the Holocaust,” he thundered on X.
“The forces of civilization must support Israel to defeat the barbarity of Hamas,” the Prime Minister also wrote in this message written to Justin Trudeau.
The Israeli leader also reacted very badly to criticism from French President Emmanuel Macron, who had called on the IDF to put an end to the bombings in the Gaza Strip.
The head of the Élysée called for a ceasefire, which the Canadian Prime Minister did not do.
Rhetoric that helps Hamas, according to CIJA
Already, his call for restraint has gone down badly within certain organizations in the Jewish community.
“Rhetoric like that of the Prime Minister allows Hamas to continue to cynically and criminally use the Palestinian civilian population as a human shield to advance its genocidal objective,” denounced the Advisory Center for Jewish and Israeli Relations (CIJA) on X.
And “even if that is surely not his intention [à Justin Trudeau]such statements also fuel anti-Semitism here in Canada,” added the organization in a message published on its account in English.
The Bloc Québécois, the New Democratic Party, the Green Party and around twenty Liberal MPs called for a cessation of hostilities.
The Conservative Party is resolutely in the Israeli camp. The group had not yet provided a reaction to the exit of Benjamin Netanyahu at the time of publishing these lines, early Wednesday afternoon.
Trudeau evacuated from a restaurant

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visits Vancouver
The Trudeau government’s position also irritates defenders of the Palestinian cause.
The Prime Minister found himself ringside to see it late Tuesday evening in Vancouver: he was forced to evacuate the restaurant where he was.
Around 250 pro-Palestinian demonstrators surrounded the establishment in the city’s Chinatown, Sergeant Steve Addison explained at a press conference on Wednesday.
The spontaneous action led to the deployment of around 100 police officers, who used crowd control techniques to ensure a safe passage for Justin Trudeau.
The ensuing crowd dispersal operation led to the arrest of two men, including one who allegedly punched a police officer in the face, Sergeant Addison said.
Prime Minister Trudeau’s office declined to comment on “specific interactions or processes regarding the prime minister’s security,” citing security reasons.