War between Israel and Hamas: a ten-month-old infant held hostage by Hamas


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War between Israel and Hamas: a ten-month-old infant held hostage by Hamas

Kfir Bibas is only ten months old. He is the youngest Hamas hostage in the Gaza Strip. His relatives called for his release on Tuesday, November 28, during a rally in Tel Aviv, Israel. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – C. Morand, V. Jové

France Televisions

Kfir Bibas is only ten months old. He is the youngest Hamas hostage in the Gaza Strip. His relatives called for his release on Tuesday, November 28, during a rally in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The youngest Hamas hostage in the Gaza Strip is only ten months old. Tuesday, November 28 in Tel Aviv (Israel), his relatives requested his release. In the crowd, the incomprehension and indignation were still strong. Kfir Bibas, his four-year-old brother and his parents have been held for more than seven weeks.

The truce extended until Thursday

While the release of the hostages has continued for six days, relatives have had no news of the infant and his family. “Hamas took them, and Hamas is required to bring them back now. They are responsible for their health, and their freedom is directly in the hands of Hamas.”, said family member Ofri Bibas Levy. Those close to the Bibas family have one last glimmer of hope. The truce between Israel and Hamas is extended until Thursday and, with it, the possibility of further liberations.

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