War between Hamas and Israel: what are the political options in Gaza?


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2 min

War between Hamas and Israel: what are the political options in Gaza?

War between Hamas and Israel: what are the political options in Gaza? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S. Soula

France Televisions

While the IDF says it wants to defeat Hamas in Gaza, what are the other political options in this Palestinian territory? Elements of response with journalist Samah Soula, present on the set of 20 Heures, Monday November 6.

The Israeli army intends to defeat the Hamas in Gaza. Who could replace him? On the set of 20 Heures, Monday November 6, journalist Samah Soula introduced:Once the Hamas destroyed Israel expressed its desire to disengage from Gaza. Therefore, several political options are possible.Moon of the options, [serait celle] of the Palestinian Authority, which rules the West Bank, Mahmoud’s Fatah Abbasexplains the journalist, who notes that there is “several obstacles to this scenario“, notably a declining popularity.

An international administration

Samah Soula then mentions “a regional solution“.This would involve entrusting the administration of Gaza to a sort of interim power, compound of countries that maintain relations with Israel. Egypt, Jordan, the Emirates, Morocco and Bahrain“, explains the journalist. Finally, the last scenario would be that of a “international administration with UN participation“.At the time he is, none plan is not established and no one seems to have the solution“, concludes Samah Soula.

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