War between Hamas and Israel: the former president of Doctors Without Borders points to “a major imbalance” in the coverage of the conflict


Video duration:
8 mins

War between Hamas and Israel: Rony Brauman, former president of Doctors Without Borders, points to “a major imbalance” in the coverage of the conflict

War between Hamas and Israel: Rony Brauman, former president of Doctors Without Borders, points to “a major imbalance” in the coverage of the conflict – (FRANCEINFO)

Guest of 12/13 info, Thursday November 16, Rony Brauman, doctor and former president of Médecins sans frontières, notably returned to the media coverage of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Rony Brauman, doctor and former president of Médecins sans frontières, was the guest of 12/13 info, Thursday November 16. Returning to media coverage of the conflict between Israel and Hamas”in most media“, he emphasized “the weakness of the representation of Palestinian voices, (…) in the extremely heated, extremely lively debate that we see everywhere in France“.”There really is a major imbalance from this point of view.“, has abounded the former president of Doctors Without Borders.

“The question is when a ceasefire will finally be declared”

The UN Security Council called on Wednesday for “humanitarian breaks“of a few days in the Gaza Strip. Is that enough?”No, of course. The question is when a ceasefire will finally be declared that will send a signal that the mortality and human and material destruction inflicted on the Palestinians has reached a level sufficient to represent a punishment commensurate with what the Israelis have suffered“, estimated Rony Brauman.

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