War between Hamas and Israel: rallies in Tel Aviv against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu


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2 min

War between Hamas and Israel: rallies in Tel Aviv against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu

War between Hamas and Israel: rallies in Tel Aviv against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu – (franceinfo)

In Tel Aviv, demonstrators denounce the war against Hamas and its thousands of victims, and in particular the security policy of Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition.

In Israel too, voices are being raised to denounce the war and its thousands of civilian victims in the Gaza Strip. “We are all suffering and we are still mourning for the hostages and the deaths of October 7. But we are also mourning for the countless deaths in Gaza”, assures an anti-government demonstrator. Most of the demonstrators were already on the streets before October 7 to denounce a judicial reform which would have given unprecedented powers to the government.

“We want answers from our government”

They accuse the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his far-right coalition of having sowed chaos within Israeli society and the army, to the detriment of the security management of the country. Everyone here fears that the hostages in the hands of Hamas will become collateral victims of the conflict. Sunday October 29, the families of the missing organize their daily vigil. “We want answers from our government. No one is coming to talk to us”, estimates Micham Rahum, the friend of an Israeli hostage. At the same time, the Israeli president received relatives of the hostages.

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