War between Hamas and Israel: LFI related deputy Aymeric Caron does not consider Daesh and the Palestinian movement as equals


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War between Hamas and Israel: LFI related deputy Aymeric Caron does not consider Daesh and the Palestinian movement as equals

Aymeric Caron, Ecological Revolution for the Living (REV) MP from Paris related La France insoumise (LFI), was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday October 25. – (France 2)

Aymeric Caron, Ecological Revolution for the Living (REV) MP from Paris related La France insoumise (LFI), was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday October 25.

Rebellious France (LFI) is always criticized for its ambiguities on the fact of qualifying the Hamas as a terrorist organization, after the attack perpetrated by the Islamist movement against Israel on October 7. “In the group of LFIthere is not a single person who will deny that these are atrocious, terrorist acts that were perpetrated.”assured Aymeric Caron in “4 Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday October 25. Returning to the declarations of elected officials LFI on the subject, the deputy Ecological revolution for the living (REV) of Paris, related LFIhas indicated : “Have all the good words still been used since October 7? Maybe not.“But there has never been, on the other hand, the slightest ambiguity as to our position”defended Aymeric Caron.

“A very particular regional history”

Visiting Israel on Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron proposed “building a regional and international coalition” in order to “to struggle against” against the Hamas. The Élysée then clarified that it was “to draw inspiration from the experience of the international coalition against Daesh. “These comments are absolutely incomprehensible”, has castigated Aymeric Caron.

“All the specialists in the region tell you that, if you analyze what is happening as a phenomenon that would be exactly comparable to Daesh Or al-QaedaYou are wrong. If we do not place these acts of terror in a very particular regional history which is the history of the colonization of one people by another (…)we are wrong”he explained. Asked about considering them equal al-Qaeda, Daesh and the Hamasthe MP replied: “No.

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