War between Hamas and Israel: in Gaza the “humanitarian situation” is “catastrophic”, assures Johann Soufi, former head of the UN legal office in Gaza


Video duration:
9 mins


Johann Soufi, former head of the UN legal office in Gaza, is the guest of 19/20 info, Tuesday October 17. He notably returned to the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

What is the situation on Tuesday, October 17, in Gaza? “I am in contact with both my international colleagues and my Palestinian colleagues who are all terrified. Terrified because it is a catastrophic humanitarian situation. There is no water, no electricity, no medicine . Every day, every second, counts for the survival of refugees.”explains Johann Soufi, former head of the UN legal office in Gaza.

A second “Nakba”

Asked about the opening of the Rafah border post and the departure to Egypt, the lawyer replied that “this is one of the solutions”. According to him, there needs to be a stop “of the military campaign which makes no distinction” and that “is contrary to international humanitarian law”. He also wishes “humanitarian access” to the Gaza Strip.

According to Johann Sufi, Gazans have the feeling of experiencing a second “Nakba”, including forced exile. He adds : “There is also a fear fueled by what is happening on the other side of the country, by what is happening in the West Bank with the colonization that is progressing.”

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