War between Hamas and Israel: IDF continues its advance in the Gaza Strip



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War between Hamas and Israel: IDF continues without advance in the Gaza Strip

Thursday, November 9, the Israeli army continues to advance in the Gaza Strip. The soldiers tirelessly search all the buildings, looking for clues and Hamas weapons. – (War between Hamas and Israel: IDF continues its advance in the Gaza Strip)

Thursday, November 9, the Israeli army continues to advance in the Gaza Strip. The soldiers tirelessly search all the buildings, looking for clues and Hamas weapons.

The Israeli flag raised, Israeli soldiers are progressing in the Gaza Strip, perched on their armored vehicles and tanks. In a ruined city, they advance street by street, destroyed building by destroyed building. “We will continue to advance all of our units and forces. We get to know the enemy a little more each time.”assures a soldier. In a house, the soldiers of IDF claim to have found an arms factory.

Rockets, drones and munitions

A soldier takes inventory: “These are objects that were found in the house, on the second floor. These are diving equipment. We can see the rockets, the drones, the munitions. All this was hidden in the house.” Israel don’t plan to stop there. Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu reiterated its refusal of a ceasefire without the release of the hostages.

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