War between Hamas and Israel: Emmanuel Macron “will have to reassure the French Jewish community”, believes historian and journalist Steve Jourdin



Video duration:
6 mins


Article written by

franceinfo – G. Bornstein, S. Chironi

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron will speak in a speech at 8 p.m., Thursday October 12. A few minutes before his speech, historian and journalist Steve Jourdin discusses the expectations of the French and Israelis, in 19/20 info.

Thursday October 12, the families of French hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip questioned President Emmanuel Macron on the fate reserved for their loved ones. “He doesn’t have many cards in hand. Emmanuel Macron is going to do somersaults, do acrobatics. He will have to reassure the community French Jewish which has been plagued by more and more anti-Semitic acts in recent days. He will also have to reassure the Israelis, Benyamin Netanyahuand maybe reactivate this Franco-Israeli relationship which has not always been good”explains historian and journalist Steve Jourdin in the 19/20 info.

“The two-state solution”

According to him, the head of state will have to “plot diplomatic perspectives”. “He will have to recall France’s attachment to the two-state solution. In such a context, thisis not simple”explicit this specialist.

He reaffirms that the “hostage question” is very important. “On the fate of the hostages, it will be necessary to know whether France and Israel are on the same line. In Israel, the question of hostages is very important. There is an Israeli doctrine regarding hostages. We do not leave hostages in the hands of terrorists, even if it means taking all the risks”noted Steve Jourdin.

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