War between Hamas and Israel: a five-day march to demand the release of hostages


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War between Hamas and Israel: a five-day march to demand the release of hostages

On Tuesday, November 14, hostage families left Tel Aviv for Jerusalem. They are demanding the release of their loved ones, detained by Hamas. – (Franceinfo)

On Tuesday, November 14, hostage families left Tel Aviv for Jerusalem. They are demanding the release of their loved ones, detained by Hamas.

“Take them home now!”, chant families and relatives of hostages, held by the Hamas since October 7. Party of Tel Aviv (Israel)Tuesday November 14, their procession must cover 63 km in five days. Direction Jerusalem and the seat of government to demand the immediate release of all the hostages. Shelley Shem Tovmother of a hostage, proclaims: “I demand that Benjamin Netanyahu and the government give us answers and take action.”

The United Nations blamed

Benjamin Netanyahu is regularly accused of prioritizing the success of its military operation, rather than the release of the hostages. Anger is also directed towards the United Nations, even in front of their headquarters on Monday evening. “The silence of the United Nations on the issue of child hostages is a betrayal of the very values ​​it claims to defend”assures a man. For now, only four women have been released speak Hamas and a soldier, saved during a military operation.

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