War as a spectacle

Every day, this absurd war turns us into living room soldiers, helpless and cynical spectators of a tragic match that has already lasted too long. Putin throws and counts and recounts in Mariupol, then there is a turnover north of kyiv, which gives the Ukrainians some hope.

Naively, I had thought for a moment that we were witnessing a merciless struggle, a struggle to the death in which one of the leaders would never rise again. It seems that is no longer the case, with these negotiations, surreal as they are in the midst of a deluge of fire. There could even be a “solution”, for example the Korean way, unthinkable and unacceptable until then, and even a meeting between the two coaches.

If there is a life-and-death struggle, it is above all the death of civilian victims and young Russian conscripts, badly trained and badly informed, engaged in a “special operation”, criminally special.

The world has a high tolerance for scoundrels: Pol Pot died in his bed; Macron, all smiles, shakes hands with Mohammed bin Salman; Bashar al-Assad, who has become more or less frequentable again […].

Peace is still an evanescent mirage, but the way the game is unfolding, the war in Ukraine could hardly end other than in a draw, where everyone will have lost and war crimes will not be punished.

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