War and peace ! | The Press


Destroyed Russian combat vehicle in Bucha, Ukraine

Nadia Zouaoui

Nadia Zouaoui
Journalist and documentary filmmaker

Volodymyr Zelensky addresses the world from his bunker. It is very small in its screen. The world takes pity on him. The world can do nothing for him, even less for his people. The world discovers the bodies of civilians murdered in the streets of Boutcha. The world is wondering why we are here, in 2022!

Posted yesterday at 10:00 a.m.

What happens to Ukrainians can happen to any other people caught up in a border dispute with an over-armed neighboring country. We cannot prevent border conflicts, they are as frequent as the problems of human otherness.

Countries that are not members of the select NATO club must ally themselves with those who will protect them… sometimes at a high price!

If you look up NATO in Wikipedia, you get the following definition: “NATO works to promote democratic values ​​and enables its members to consult and cooperate on defense and security matters in order to solve problems . If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military might to undertake military operations. »

However, it is under the aegis of NATO that the United States has allowed itself the worst abuses. First, the war in Iraq, under the pretext of chemical weapons, which will cause nearly a million deaths, more than five million people to be displaced and a civil war which will give birth to the worst of the terrorist groups, Daesh (Islamic State).

The same is true for the invasion in Afghanistan. The official reason was the search for bin Laden… who would be found 10 years later in a friendly country, Pakistan. The war in Afghanistan was only a war on the backs of the Afghans to “annoy” the Russian neighbour!

The American government will never be judged for these cut lives and these destroyed countries, since it is he who makes the laws of the new world order.

Through these abuses, US neoconservatives have contributed to the degradation of international norms and the erosion of NATO’s credibility in the eyes of much of the world. That doesn’t seem to bother the United States. The economy of Uncle Sam’s country is based on the arms industry. Without war, its economy will collapse. Hence its interest in NATO for partner countries to increase their military strength.

Faced with the fear that the war in Ukraine will escalate, NATO recently reminded its member countries of their commitment to increase their arms budget to reach 2% of their GDP.

Canada has just unveiled its budget, it increases the investment allocated to defense by 8 billion dollars, added to the 41 billion allocated to National Defense over five years. This is well below the 2% required by NATO. That’s a lot of planes and equipment to order, most likely from the United States… especially since Canada must renew all its war aviation which has never been used, but which is already obsolete!

The question that arises today is the following: should countries arm themselves to the teeth at the risk of impoverishing their population in order to protect themselves from possible wars?

The increase in war budgets impoverishes the populations while enriching a minority… while soaring prices prevent a growing number of families everywhere in the world from making ends meet.

To put an end to this arms race and to the roots of this violence, the system must be completely changed and NATO must disappear, as did its vis-à-vis the Warsaw Pact at the end of the war. cold. We came out of the two-part ideological divide system where the world aligned or split according to that divide. “Today, countries look at their interests and their direct and non-ideological security”, as the Lebanese diplomat and writer Ghassam Salamé explains in his book When America remakes the world (Fayard, 2005).

The time has come when humans must create just and equitable institutions and mechanisms to better manage and protect all peoples.

Pink Floyd sang it a long time ago: “Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!” »

The absurdity of men is limitless.

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