Want to go out ? Replay of the Azureans of Thursday, October 19, 2022

We received the La Providence Cultural Center – La Semeuse Theater in Nice
and the Nice City Theatre.

The replay is here ⤵️


A stroll this weekend in the footsteps of Nietzsche

A traveling show is performed in Nice on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 October. From the Cultural Center of Providence to the Park of the Castle. A route that the famous philosopher has already taken.

become who you are : Friedrich Nietzsche did not become (completely) Niçois but he spent several winters there. including that of 1884 to write the fourth part of Thus spake Zarathustra.

This is how Nietzsche walked in Nice

Paul Lansky, a fan of Nietzsche’s writings goes to meet him. The philosopher invited him on a walk to discover the old town of Nice and the hill of the Castle. A friendship is forged along the way. And the true face of Friedrich Nietzsche is revealed.

At the City Theater

La Délicatesse, success in Nice in Avignon

This is the version of the Miranda Company, from Nice, which is performed at the Théâtre la Cité. The text, rare light and spiritual, is an adaptation of Delicacy of David Foenkinos who will be present for Saturday’s performance at the Theatre. John Franco, Molière 2020 of the actor in a supporting role, is part of the distribution.

A love story where everything changes

Nathalie and François are happy. François dies in an accident. Natalie stays. After the tragedy, for her, crossing the desert. Her heart becomes a fortress, her life a soulless routine.

Nathalie then meets Markus, a simple, delicate but far from the canons of beauty. A new story begins…

Two weeks of vacation (and shows) for the pitchoun

From Monday and during the two weeks of school holidaysworkshops and shows for young audiences are offered at the Théâtre de la Cité.

Jumble: the witch of the broom closet
a tale from rue Broca which will be performed on rue Paganini, puppets for children from 2 years old, Merlin the wizard or October 31 Ringworm Sisters at Fairy School

More informations

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