Wall Street in dispersed order after the rise of the day before

(New York) The New York Stock Exchange, shortly after the opening, moved in scattered order on Wednesday the day after a sharp rise, investors being cooled by new Russian strikes in Ukraine and by the will of Europe to reduce its energy consumption.

Posted at 10:49 a.m.

Around 10:10 am, the Dow Jones index lost 0.42%, the NASDAQ advanced 0.49% and the S&P 500 fell 0.18%.

On Tuesday, driven by company results and a falling dollar, the Dow Jones index had gained 2.43% to 31,827.05 points, the NASDAQ, with strong technological coloring, 3.11% to 11,713.15 points , and the S&P 500 2.76% to 3936.69 points.

Wall Street is moving “in a contained fashion early in the session on the heels of strong gains the day before, as markets digest the second-quarter earnings season,” Schwab analysts said in a note.

“The opening is a bit weak,” commented Peter Cardillo of Spartan Capital for AFP. “I think the news that Russian forces are bombing eastern and southern Ukraine is causing investors to be a little cautious and take advantage of the jump from the day before,” he said, while believing in a closing. rising.

“The fact that the European Union is trying to encourage a 15% reduction in its energy consumption also weighs on the energy sector,” the analyst pointed out.

Brussels on Wednesday proposed a plan to reduce European gas demand by 15% to overcome the drop in Russian deliveries.

The energy sector lost 1.37%, in line with the drop in the price of a barrel. Occidental Petroleum dropped 1.72% as did Schlumberger.

Real estate continued to be the focus of investors’ attention as home resales fell 5.4% in June, much more than analysts expected.

This bad figure comes after a drastic drop in housing starts in June announced the day before, not to mention a demand for mortgages down 6% last week, to a 22-year low.

Among the results of companies, are expected in particular Tesla (-0.53%) and United Airlines (-0.27%) after the closing.

“So far, they have been more or less correct, although a little mixed,” judged Peter Cardillo.

Netflix, which announced better-than-expected results on Tuesday with a smaller loss of subscribers than expected, rose slightly by 1%, failing to maintain the previous day’s momentum observed in electronic exchanges according to closure (+8%).

On the bond market, rates on 10-year Treasury bills stood at 2.98% against 3.02% at the end of the day the day before, still slightly lower than two-year rates (3.02%).

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