Walkout of 300 union members at the Kruger plant in Trois-Rivières

A strike was called at the Kruger factory in Trois-Rivières during the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

Company management confirmed that the strike was called at 4 a.m.

The Unifor union, affiliated with the FTQ, which represents the approximately 300 workers concerned, reports that they supported the strike by “an overwhelming majority”, after having “massively” rejected the employer’s overall offer.

Salary is the main point in dispute.

Unifor reports that negotiations with the employer have been going on for several months.

“Our members have clearly expressed their rejection of the employer’s overall offer. Their commitment to obtaining a fair and equitable collective agreement is unwavering. This situation is all the more surprising, given the problems of recruitment and retention of labor in the region. With the imminent development of the battery sector, Kruger will have to remain competitive if it wants to keep its qualified workforce,” said union spokesperson and Unifor national representative, Steeve St-Pierre.

Contacted by email, Kruger management declined to comment. “We rarely comment on negotiations or labor disputes. We do not wish to comment. »

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