Wagner’s Rebellion: in the footsteps of the fighters of the paramilitary group in Belarus


Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – L. Lacroix

France Televisions

Since his rebellion, the mystery remains whole around Evguéni Prigojine. He and his paramilitary group were to go into exile in Belarus. France Télévisions teams traveled to the country, following in the footsteps of Wagner’s fighters.

On Friday July 7, in the morning, the France Télévisions teams were in Belarus, the most closed country in Europe. They left in the footsteps of Wagner’s fighters, because it is here that they must find refuge, after the failure of their coup in Russia, just like their leader Evguéni Prigojine, who has become invisible for two weeks.The whole world is wondering if satellite images taken 100 km from the capital show Wagner’s new camp in Belarus. The Belarusian soldiers have agreed to open the doors of this camp to journalists from France Télévisions, with one objective: show that it is empty. No Wagner fighters are visible. It is clear that the camp has been set up in recent weeks, officially to accommodate reservists. In the village ofNext door, the locals have yet to see Wagner’s men.

Yevgeny Prigojine would be free to move

Where are Wagner’s fighters? To find out more, the journalists went to the Belarusian presidential palace located in Minsk on Thursday, July 6. According to Belarusian leader Alexander LukashenkoWagner’s men are still in their encampment near the front. As for their leader, Alexandre Lukashenko claimed that he is in Russia. According to him, he would be free to move. Criminal charges for the revolt were, in theory, dropped, but Russian media showed a series of raids in Russia at the offices and home ofYevgeni Prigozhin.

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