Wagner’s attempted rebellion, seen from Ukraine and Lithuania

Every day, the correspondents’ club describes how the same current event is illustrated in several countries.

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Evguéni Prigojine surrounded by members of the Wagner group last May.  (HANDOUT / TELEGRAM / @CONCORDGROUP_OFFICIAL)

Three days after the attempted rebellion of the Wagner group in Russia, Vladimir Putin thanked, on Tuesday June 27, the soldiers who, according to him, “prevented a civil war”. Officially, an agreement has been reached between the Kremlin and the boss of the mercenary group, Yevgueni Prigojine. The latter is now in exile in Belarus.

Alexander Loukatchenko, the Belarusian president explains that Wagner’s militiamen could put their combat experience at the service of the Minsk army. Statements that cause concern in Ukraine, which has nearly 900 kilometers of border with Belarus. A threat that was removed when the Russians were pushed back from the region in March last year. But it resurfaces each time disturbing information from the northern neighbor arrives.

Minsk, like Moscow, does not hesitate to fuel this threat: recently by announcing the deployment of Russian nuclear warheads on Belarusian territory, or recently by installing Wagner’s mercenaries a few hundred kilometers from the border.

In Vilnius, Lithuania, we are also following developments in the situation very closely. The country also has a long border with Belarus. Vilnius has therefore decided to step up its monitoring. Lithuania has also decided to devote 2.5% of its GDP to defense and is doing everything to speed up the development of new military sites.

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