Wagner Group leader claims to control several military sites in Russia after launching armed rebellion

The leader of the paramilitary group Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed to have entered, on Saturday June 24, the headquarters of the Russian army in the city of Rostov, a key center for the Russian assault against Ukraine, and to have taken control of military sites, including an airfield. “The military sites in Rostov are under control, including the airfield”, he explains in a video posted on Telegram. He announced on Saturday that he had entered Russia to overthrow the military command. Follow our live.

Russian President will ‘soon’ address the nation “Putin will make a speech soon”presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian news agencies.

Of the reinforced security measures in several Russian regions. The Russian capital, the Rostov region, neighboring Ukraine, and that of Lipetsk, announced Saturday reinforced security measures. Authorities have urged Rostov residents not to travel to the city center. Images and online publications show armed men near official buildings.

The Russian security services are opening an investigation for “call for mutiny”. The boss of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner has called for “stop” the Russian military high command after strikes on camps of its fighters. Evguéni Prigojine also claims to have 25,000 men and calls on the Russians, especially the soldiers, to join them. The Russian security services (FSB) then opened an investigation for “call for mutiny”.

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