wage negotiations are on the rise


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While the rise in consumer prices has accelerated since this summer in France, company wage negotiations are currently taking place across the country. Are these often tense negotiations favorable to employees? On the set of 12/13, journalist Justine Weyl deciphers this phenomenon.

In order to curb the rise in consumer prices which has been taking place since this summer, wage negotiations in companies are increasing at the moment. “We note a first victory for Leroy Merlin employees, explains the journalist Justine Weyl on the 12/13 set, since after ten days of strike, an agreement was reached and the management increased its departure offer, which had been rejected by the unions. “ Indeed, the 23,000 employees of the group should have an additional gain of 65 euros per month. The inflation compensation for those who earn less than 2,000 euros will also be doubled.

A victory that could inspire other employees currently in conflict. Because there are many: Decathlon, Flunch, Sephora … Companies where strikes are extremely rare and yet, at the moment, walkouts are linked. “The employees are all demanding a substantial increase in their income by relying on the profits made in the groups”, explains Justine Weyl. If they have the obligation to open negotiations once a year, on the other hand, nothing forces them to concede anything.


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