VTC drivers demonstrate across France and demand more protection against rising fuel prices

The drivers demand a minimum hourly and kilometric rate, negotiated between the government and the independents.

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“Angry VTC!” A few hundred VTC drivers demonstrated on Monday March 28 in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Nantes to demand more protection as the rise in the price of gasoline reduces their income.

“We want a minimum hourly and kilometric rate, negotiated between the government and the independents”declared Brahim Ben Ali, of the National Intersyndicale VTC (INV), who launched the call to demonstrate. “Even if the state helps us with the price of fuel, the platforms will lower the prices to attract customers”he denounced on the Place de la Nation in Paris.

Some drivers describe income halved since the start of the pandemic, with fill-ups of diesel at 120 euros three times a week. Uber, the market leader, is at the center of attacks for the high commissions it charges.

In Bordeaux, the event brought together 80 cars. In Nantes, around fifteen VTC organized a snail operation on the ring road, according to the police. The operation lasted less than an hour and caused 3 km of slowdowns according to Bison Futé. In Lyon, Place Bellecour, a procession of around thirty cars formed in a cacophony of horns.

With the approach of professional elections in the sector, the Union-Indépendants (CFDT) union also organized an action: more than 1,500 VTCs ceased all activity for 2 hours on Monday morning, causing an over-price increase in certain cities, in particular in Paris.

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