Video length: 7 min
Women’s rights: voting RN, “is voting against wanting equal pay between men and women, voting against the right to abortion”, believes Yéléna Mandengué, Nous Tous activist.
Women’s rights: voting RN, “is voting against wanting equal pay between men and women, voting against the right to abortion”, believes Yéléna Mandengué, Nous Tous activist.
A demonstration against the far right will take place on Sunday June 23, at the call of several feminist groups. Élodie Antony, spokesperson for the Collectif Enfantiste, and Yéléna Mandengué, Nous Tous activist, speak on the subject on the 19/20 info set.
200 associations will mobilize on Sunday June 23 to say no to the far right. “As feminists and child activists (…), we campaign in particular for the fight against violence against children, all violence. I think that tomorrow, this is something essential and crucial for the future of France”says Élodie Antony, spokesperson for the Collectif Enfantiste.
“We are perhaps going to have a government of the extreme right in power, which says the annihilation of children’s rights”, she continues, before clarifying. According to Élodie Antony, by playing “on the fear of the stranger”the extreme right creates a “mystification of insecurity and delinquency”. “It stigmatizes minors, it stigmatizes foreign children, it stigmatizes the foreign population as such”adds the spokesperson for the Collectif Enfantiste.
If the National Rally (RN) wins, will women’s rights be in danger? “Concretely, we can already see it. We can see it by what has already been voted on by the RN deputies on the issues of women’s rights. The National Rally means voting against wanting equal pay between men and women, it means voting against the right to abortion.”affirms in particular Yéléna Mandengué, We All activist.