“Voting Marine Le Pen is taking a one-way ticket to the Kremlin,” says Stanislas Guerini

The presidential candidate pleaded for a “strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia.”

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“There is almost a form of betrayal in saying that we will restore a partnership with Russia”reacted Wednesday April 13 on franceinfo Stanislas Guerini, general delegate of LREM, after the remarks of Marine Le Pen. “Voting Marine Le Pen means taking a one-way ticket to the Kremlin”he added as the presidential candidate pleaded for a “strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia.”

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Marine Le Pen explained that there was “with our German neighbors irreconcilable strategic differences. We must listen to what she says. In this between-two-turns there is the truth of the projects that are being done.” A vote for Marine Le Pen, “It’s dislocating and blowing up the European Union. It’s submission to Russia, it’s tearing up a partnership with our German neighbors.”

Emmanuel Macron warned against “the true face of the far right that is coming back”. However, Marine Le Pen claims a popular electorate. “There are two issues in the between-two-rounds. To tell the truth about the projects and to bring together a majority of French people on a project. I believe that we can bring together, including people who did not vote for Emmanuel Macron .”

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