“Voting is a matter of survival when you are a discriminated person”

Anna, 24, is a student in Lille doing a master’s degree in innovation management and gender studies. As a transgender man, Anna would like the presidential candidates to defend his rights more.

According to the latest Ipsos survey carried out by the Federation of General Student Associations, 62% of 18-30 year olds find that the subject of the fight against discrimination is not present enough in public debate.

For Anna, who started her transition a year ago, “we don’t talk enough about the rights of trans and LGBT people except when we hear Eric Zemmour say that there is a lobby“. For the 24-year-old student, “we don’t talk about them to defend them but to attack them“.

Our rights are important. Everyone would benefit from it.

Anna regrets that the politicians “do not take their responsibilities enough vis-à-vis these subjects which are important.“He feels a certain sadness of not feeling defended but also fear vis-à-vis the extreme right. “What world are we going to live in if ever these people are in power?

Student would like policies to make it easier for transgender people to change their marital status”which today is a real obstacle course.“Anna would also like PMA to be open to trans men. More generally, Anna believes that there is a lot of work to be done on health issues.

Going to see a doctor is a constant anxiety.

At the doctors, Anna evokes the fear “to be badly received, to be misgendered or discriminated against because you take hormones or because you don’t want to do certain operations.

Formerly elected to the National Council for Education and Research and an activist at FAGE, Anna has always been involved in the fight against discrimination. Yet today, the question of voting does not seem so obvious to him. “Who am I going to vote for and what for? I’m not going to vote for someone or for a program but against.

For Anna, vote”it’s a question of survival when you are a discriminated person. As a transgender person, I am not sure that I am protected or that my fundamental rights are respected.

For the moment, Anna does not recognize herself in any particular program. “It’s stressful to see that we only talk about the controversies and that we don’t go into the substance of the subjects. Today, I’m more into voting against than voting for someone.”

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