Vote to reject the immigration bill: a snub for the government


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Vote to reject the immigration bill: a snub for the government

On Monday, December 11, MPs adopted the motion to reject the immigration bill. This vote puts an end to any examination of the text in the National Assembly. This is a disaster scenario for the executive. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – C.Motte, T.Curtet, S.Soltani, P.Aubert, C.Theophilos, S.-A.Ho, L.Crouzillac, J.Chouquet

France Televisions

On Monday, December 11, MPs adopted the motion to reject the immigration bill. This vote puts an end to any examination of the text in the National Assembly. This is a disaster scenario for the executive.

Thunderclap in the hemicycle. The result of the vote on the motion to reject the immigration bill, Monday December 11 in the National Assembly, is close, but it is clear: 270 for and 265 against. The bill will not be debated in the National Assembly. A disaster scenario for the government, and a victory for the oppositions, who sanction Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior.

“An extremely powerful disavowal”

This rejection motion defended by environmentalists was also voted for by the deputies of the National Rally (RN). Marine Le Pen is delighted. “The disavowal that has just been expressed this evening is an extremely powerful disavowal”reacted the president of the group RN to the Assembly. The right is calling for a return to the firmer version of the text voted by the Senate. A reversal of the situation that Gérald Darmanin feared a few minutes before the sentence.

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