Vote, proxy, candidates… The guide to the early legislative campaign

Less than three weeks before the first round, France enters the electoral campaign for the legislative elections. Faced with the historic victory of the far right in the European elections on Sunday June 9, Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and the holding of early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

A part of the The left is already calling for the formation of a “popular front”, with joint candidacies in each constituency, while the National Rally of Jordan Bardella, candidate for Matignon, is seeking to broaden its base by reaching out to right-wing groups. Eric Ciotti, president of the Republicans, said he wanted “an alliance” with the far-right party. Voting methods, candidates… Here is the guide to this express campaign.

When does the official campaign start and end?

Before each election, the electoral campaign can extend over the six months preceding the election, recalls the website of the Ministry of the Interior. On the other hand, the official campaign is governed by strict rules. “This is the period during which the candidates’ spots are broadcast on the airwaves”, illustrates to franceinfo the constitutionalist Jean-Philippe Derosier. It is open from the second Monday preceding polling day and ends the day before polling day, at midnight. In the event of a second round, it opens the day after the first round and ends the day before the second round.

For these early legislative elections, the official campaign will therefore start on June 17 at 6 a.m. and end on Friday June 28 at 11:59 p.m. For the second round, it will begin on Monday July 1 at 6 a.m. and end on Friday July 5 at 11:59 p.m.

When will we know the candidates?

Still according to the Official newspaper, applications must be submitted between Wednesday June 12 and Sunday June 16 at 6 p.m. The publication of the list of candidates and their replacements will be decided and published by the prefects.

The submission of candidacies raised questions from several observers, since according to article L157 of the Electoral Code, declarations of candidacy must be submitted to the prefecture no later than 6 p.m. on the fourth Friday preceding polling day. “The first round taking place on June 30, it should have been Friday June 7”, specifies Jean-Philippe Derosier. However, the dissolution of the National Assembly was announced on Sunday June 9.

However, this situation is not irregular since “article 12 of the Constitution [qui permet la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale] imposes itself on the Electoral Code”, recalls the specialist. This article simply provides that “the elections take place at least twenty days and at most forty days after the dissolution”.

On the left, the Socialist Party, Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts, the Communist Party and La France insoumise called Monday evening “to the constitution of a new popular front” and ensured “support unique candidates from the first round”. For his part, the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, got closer to certain Republican executives. The president of the right-wing party, Eric Ciotti, said on Tuesday June 11 that he wanted “an alliance” with the RN.

How do I know if I can vote?

The French administration website allows you to find out if you are registered on the electoral lists. As a reminder, in France, you can vote if you are of French nationality, if you are at least 18 years old on the day of the election, if you are registered on the electoral lists of your municipality and if you are not deprived of your civil and political rights by court decision.

The Ministry of the Interior clarified on Tuesday June 11 that the electoral lists for these early legislative elections were frozen on the date of publication of the presidential decree in Official newspaper, Monday June 10. People who have registered since May 3 – the closing date for the lists for the European elections – and June 10 will therefore be able to vote. On the other hand, no new registration will be possible between now and the legislative elections, even for people who will celebrate their 18th birthday in the meantime. In New Caledonia, the election will take place based on the electoral lists finalized on February 29, 2024.

What if I’m a fairground worker, homeless or a member of the traveling community?

You have several choices for registering on the electoral lists: either in the municipality where the organization which issued you with a certificate of election of domicile is located, or in the municipality where you have resided for at least six months, or in the municipality where you have been subject to local taxes (housing tax, business property tax, etc.) for at least two years, specifies the French administration website.

The certificate of choice of address is proof which allows you to issue an address to receive mail or to have access to your rights and benefits. It can be obtained from a municipal social action center or from a town hall.

Do we vote on the same dates overseas or if we are French living abroad?

No. In each election, voters in certain overseas territories vote twenty-four hours before those in mainland France. According to the decree of June 9 published in Official newspaper, voters from Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, French Polynesia, and registered in polling stations on the American continent, are summoned on Saturday June 29 for the first round. According to the same logic, they will be able to vote in the second round on Saturday July 6.

Other French people established outside France will be able to vote electronically on the Tuesday preceding the polling date, from noon. This vote will close on the Thursday preceding the vote, at noon. For the first round, voting will therefore be possible from June 25 at 12 p.m. and will end on June 27 at the same time.

I was a minor for the European elections, but I will be 18 for the legislative elections. Will I be able to vote this time?

It all depends on your birthday and your past administrative procedures. As announced by the Ministry of the Interior, the electoral lists are finalized on the date of publication of the decree in Official newspaper, Monday June 10. You are automatically registered if you turned 18 before this date and have completed your citizen census. On the other hand, if your birthday occurs after June 10 or if you have not completed your census or requested registration, you will not be able to vote in the legislative elections.

What if I’ve already gone on vacation?

You can give proxy to any person, as long as they can come to your polling station. The procedures can be done via the website. You do not have to provide proof of absence. You can make a power of attorney by completing the online form or by directly filling out the printable form, which is also available in police offices, gendarmerie offices, and judicial courts.

You will then need to have your identity certified in these same offices or online, if you have a France Idêtes certified identity. On the day of the vote, the voter responsible for voting on your behalf can only have one proxy made in France. You can choose to appoint a proxy only for one round, or both. Even if it is possible to make a proxy until the day before an election, it is preferable to do this as soon as possible, due to the processing times of the request.

If I recently moved, can I still vote?

Yes, but in your old polling station if you are not registered on the lists of your new municipality. If you are moving for personal reasons, it is too late to register in your new municipality for the early legislative elections. But you can always make a power of attorney with a person who lives in your former municipality.

Are there any special provisions if I have a disability?

The law requires polling stations to be accessible to people with disabilities and to provide adapted voting techniques. For example, offices must have at least one voting booth accessible to people using wheelchairs.

If you have a disability or a serious illness prevents you from traveling, you can ask for a police or gendarmerie officer to come to your home, or to your establishment, to verify your identity. You must make this request in writing and attach a sworn statement stating that you cannot travel. You can then make a power of attorney according to the classic rules.

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