“Voodoo Guacamole” by Eric Judor and Fabcaro

I’m talking to you today abouta photo novel published by Editions du Seuil and it’s hilarious and highly kitsch. The title alone is a treasure, it’s “Voodoo Guacamole”. the humor of the author Fabcaro that we know in the world of comics.

The latter joins forces for this book with actor Eric Judor to tell a totally absurd story. That ofa wonderful loser : Stéphane Chabert office worker in a pub. His colleagues ignore him, his boss makes fun of him and Françoise, who he likes, doesn’t give him a look. But one day he sees an ad for a voodoo course with guru Jean-Claude. And magic, he will only have to pronounce the word Guacamole to change his life.

Suddenly, Stéphane will have the win. He tells jokes that everyone loves in the office, his boss certainly wants to offer him a promotion and what about Marie-Françoise… Even Mark Zuckerberg tries to give him a call. And that’s not all ! His success is truly Americanhe is invited on TV sets and stands for the presidential elections.

In the cast of this demented photo novel, we find Alison Wheeler, Elisabeth Quin, Hervé le Tellier, Arthur H and many others. What a pleasure to have fun with this support that was all the rage in the 50s and 60s. Fabcaro plunges us into an aesthetic which is reminiscent of that of the 70s, the wallpapers are colorful and geometric, the jackets are checkered and the glasses are rectangular. We feel that all the participants had a good time in this somewhat daring bet.

It’s quite schoolboy, very often completely absurd but for a little less than 19 euros I’m sure you’ll have fun, especially when you see the heads frozen in totally exaggerated expressions just for the picture. Get ready for the “Voodoo Guacamole” experience.

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