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Tire deposits, electric cables, tiling debris… The banks of the Garonne offer a distressing spectacle in places. To put an end to all this waste, volunteers, at the call of a fishermen’s association, are rolling up their sleeves at Fosses.
In small groups, volunteers equip themselves to pick up waste, Saturday, October 8. We are on the banks of the Garonne, where the floods have carried away tons of rubbish. “We have a bit of everything: scrap metal, picnic leftovers, glass bottles, cable, net, plastic”, explains Laurent Vallée, of the Team River Clean association. This is what these fishermen hunt: plastic, which is omnipresent. The purpose of the operation, repeated every year, is to prevent the plastic from degrading in nature.
The Trash Spotter application geolocates waste
Plastic is 10 million tons per year flowing into the oceans. This morning, in less than an hour, a hundred kilos were picked up. To better fight against this scourge, there is an application that geolocates waste, Trash Spotter, with which its founder, Patrice Clot, wants to change mentalities. Anyone can do it, and receive a cash donation, which they must donate to an environmental association. Last year, two and a half tons of waste were collected on the banks of the Garonne.